Online visibility is the goal of everyone trying to be seen and heard on the internet. Without a big presence, you will be overlooked. And who wants that??
Check it out!
There’s a quick and easy way for you to find out if you’re really “out there” on the web. Simply google yourself! If you google my name, Martha Giffen, you will see hundreds of thousands of results. I remember the first time someone said “I see you everywhere.” That was when I knew my online presence had grown to a nice level.
Here’s some of my techniques that worked:
- Profile photo – I know. I’ve said this so often, I hate to hear my own voice again, and I know you do too, but this one’s an absolute must. Put your photo on everything you do online. We’re talking current picture here. Leave out the kids and the pets too. Want your blog comments to be associated with your picture?
- Blog comments – And while we’re on the subject, commenting on other blogs is a great place to leave your mark. Yes, sometimes it can seem like a tedious task but in my opinion, well worth the time and effort. Especially if you are serious about your online visibility! It’s a great way to begin building relationships and start being seen.
- Giving is cool – Folks will begin to notice you if you continue to consistently share relevant and interesting content. Of course, sharing the links of others is really nice too!
- Youtube – It’s personally not my favorite only because I still don’t like being in front of the camera. However, I am quickly (ok, slowly) coming around because it certainly increases your visibility. People do enjoy getting information through videos and you never know which ones will end up going “viral.” You can see my latest here: Best Blogging Tips
- Social Media – Consistency is what you’re striving for here. It’s not just OK to be on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Pinterest. You actually have to say something relevant! Don’t be shy. Put your helpful links out there on a regular basis. I’m talking daily.
When it’s all said and done, your online visibility is really up to you. You can get out there and make yourself known or curl up in the corner with a website or blog that never gets any traffic.
Make the decision to take your business to soaring new heights and then get out there and make it happen!
p.s. If you’re ready to take your online visibility up a notch, check out this month’s new program Social Media Summer Splash
Martha Giffen is a Small Business and Social Media Consultant, Coach, Trainer, and Speaker. The author of 3 best-selling books, including "Be Social Be Rich," she is an Online Marketing authority and teaches Small Biz Owners how to achieve massive profitable success. And, -she dishes it all out with a warm southern flare!