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Who else wants more traffic to their website?

No matter what type of site you operate, it seems everyone is always looking for clever ways to increase website traffic.

I guess the better question would be, “Is there such a thing as too much website traffic?”

While you can purchase traffic, I’m of the old-school thought that if we put out consistent great content, people will take notice.

Yes and no.

While you can get plenty of readers without spending money on ads, etc., it does take time. In my opinion though, it’s well worth it because the people that land on your site actually come because they want to and more than likely, you are offering content they are looking for.

Here’s a few sure-fire ways to increase your blog traffic:

  • Update your blog regularly with fresh content. This seems like a no-brainer, but the key word here is “regularly.” You must be consistent. If folks drop by too many times, and there’s nothing new to see, they won’t be back!
  • Visit other blogs. This may sound like a strange one, but making yourself a regular on blogs that are in complimentary niches, increases the likelihood that you will lead folks back to your playground. I’m talking about blog commenting here. (bonus tip: leaving comments like, “Great post, thanks for sharing” don’t cut it — add to the conversation with some real value!)
  • Market, market, and then market some more! Driving traffic to your website takes a plan. You have to make sure your audience knows where to find you. Do that with social media, ezines, articles, guest blogging, networking, etc. You get the picture. Use all marketing tools at your disposal! Here’s the deal. Nobody’s going to toot your horn for you. YOU are responsible for letting folks know you’ve got something exciting for them to see!


Everybody wants traffic to their site. The problem is, many aren’t willing to do the work that’s required. Buckle down, find different ways that work for you, and get it done!

Happy driving!



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Martha Giffen
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Martha Giffen is a Small Business and Social Media Consultant, Coach, Trainer, and Speaker. The author of 3 best-selling books, including "Be Social Be Rich," she is an Online Marketing authority and teaches Small Biz Owners how to achieve massive profitable success. And, -she dishes it all out with a warm southern flare!

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