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50 Best Blogging Ideas That Will Keep Your Readers Coming Back For More

Have you ever hit a dry spell with your blog?  Just can’t seem to think of anything to write about?  Here’s 50 of my best blogging ideas and tips that I use to ward off that writer’s block:

  1. Review a product
  2. Expand on a comment
  3. Give a tip list
  4. Do an interview
  5. Run a contest
  6. Conduct a poll
  7. Use a guest blogger
  8. List a few of your fav websites
  9. Tell why you like social media (or not!)
  10. Write about someone who inspires you
  11. Do a how-to video
  12. Grab a news headline and relate it to your niche
  13. Solve a problem
  14. Do a Q & A
  15. Share your experience from a live event
  16. List your favorite books
  17. Recommend your favorite blogging tools
  18. Share  your recent challenges
  19. Reveal a failure
  20. List upcoming live events with dates, time, and place
  21. Have a good rant
  22. List your most popular blog posts (anyone noticing the theme of “lists?” )
  23. Share how you monetize your blog
  24. List your best marketing ideas
  25. Ask your readers what they want you to write about
  26. Share a motivation technique
  27. Review another blog
  28. Simplify a complicated issue
  29. Tell a story
  30. List your favorite resources with links
  31. Write a “the best of ____” post
  32. Take the reader on a tour of your blog
  33. Share a success story
  34. Blog about a celebrity
  35. Tell which product you can’t do without and why
  36. Explain why a certain quote has meaning to you
  37. Expand on a blog post you read and disagreed with
  38. Tell what you are currently reading and why
  39. Your favorite part of your biz
  40. Tips on overcoming procrastination
  41. Funniest learning curve
  42. Your typical day
  43. Industry rumors
  44. Your favorite social media networks
  45. Your next promotion
  46. Your favorite affiliate program
  47. Best advice you ever received
  48. Worst advice you ever received
  49. Your ideal reader
  50. Fifty blogging ideas

Really, if you think about it, there is no reason to run out of ideas to blog about.  Chances are, one of these fifty items will get your creative juices flowing!

Let me know what you think and if you have any other great ideas!



5 Brilliant Ways To Improve Your Productivity

Productivity. Don’t we all love that word after we’ve accomplished something amazing? After that big project got completed? After all the work has been done and we have incredible results to celebrate?

Of course, we all like the end result of fast and focused productivity, but how many of us have problems getting the whole ball rolling?

Here’s 5 brilliant ways to improve your productivity:

  • One task at a time. Really. Let your mind focus on one thing at a time and you’ll get the job done. Easier said than done? OK, set a timer. Play a game with yourself. Challenge yourself to complete that task before the timer goes off. You’ll be amazed!
  • Set goals. How many times have you heard this one? There’s a reason. It works! You see, this is probably the most brilliant productivity tip of all because once you actually see what you want to accomplish, it creates clarity and motivation. All of a sudden your goals are concrete!
  • Bed time game plan. I’m sharing my biggest secret here. Just before you go to bed, write down the five tasks you want to achieve the next day. I know. It sounds so cheesy! But it works! I use this technique all the time and I challenge you to try it for one week. See if you don’t agree that the next day your productivity is off the chain on those tasks!
  • Give up perfectionism. You know it doesn’t exist, so stop trying to change reality! Your insistence on everything being perfect will slow you down and hinder your results. Enough said. Tell that nagging voice in your head it’s “good enough” and move on.
  • Read e-mails last. This one stroke of brilliance will change your business. Unless you are waiting on a specific answer to an e-mail, don’t go there until everything else is done. Trust me. You’ll thank me later.

Yes, I’m a first-class procrastinator and an easily-distracted work-at-home, so I know first hand how hard daily productivity can be. But I choose to begin my focus with the end result in sight because that’s the first step in getting it all done!

Now that you know my daily productivity secrets, let’s hear yours in the comments! Thanks!



3 Simple Ways To Increase Website Traffic

Who else wants more traffic to their website?

No matter what type of site you operate, it seems everyone is always looking for clever ways to increase website traffic.

I guess the better question would be, “Is there such a thing as too much website traffic?”

While you can purchase traffic, I’m of the old-school thought that if we put out consistent great content, people will take notice.

Yes and no.

While you can get plenty of readers without spending money on ads, etc., it does take time. In my opinion though, it’s well worth it because the people that land on your site actually come because they want to and more than likely, you are offering content they are looking for.

Here’s a few sure-fire ways to increase your blog traffic:

  • Update your blog regularly with fresh content. This seems like a no-brainer, but the key word here is “regularly.” You must be consistent. If folks drop by too many times, and there’s nothing new to see, they won’t be back!
  • Visit other blogs. This may sound like a strange one, but making yourself a regular on blogs that are in complimentary niches, increases the likelihood that you will lead folks back to your playground. I’m talking about blog commenting here. (bonus tip: leaving comments like, “Great post, thanks for sharing” don’t cut it — add to the conversation with some real value!)
  • Market, market, and then market some more! Driving traffic to your website takes a plan. You have to make sure your audience knows where to find you. Do that with social media, ezines, articles, guest blogging, networking, etc. You get the picture. Use all marketing tools at your disposal! Here’s the deal. Nobody’s going to toot your horn for you. YOU are responsible for letting folks know you’ve got something exciting for them to see!


Everybody wants traffic to their site. The problem is, many aren’t willing to do the work that’s required. Buckle down, find different ways that work for you, and get it done!

Happy driving!



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7 Powerful Ways To Increase Twitter Engagement

Twitter. Still the darling of the social media sites, in my opinion.

It’s one of the easiest and best ways to have conversations with your ideal audience.

However, engagement is the key to your success and many people don’t quite understand how to get and keep it going.

Here’s 7 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Twitter Engagement:

  • Don’t talk so much! While this may seem counter-intuitive, it’s actually not. What I mean is, leave some room in your tweet for others to comment. (especially the retweeters!) Try it. Make those tweets LESS than 140 characters!
  • Weekends ROCK! While many business tweeters are there Monday through Friday, many MORE folks are tweeting up a storm on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday can both be REALLY dynamite days!
  • People like to watch! It’s not what you think. I’m talking about images and videos. People are visual. Even on Twitter. Want to get people talking? Pictures speak 1000 words. Or so we’re told icon smile 7 Powerful Ways To Increase Twitter Engagement
  • Ask! Don’t be shy about starting a conversation. Want folk to join in or RT? Simply ask. Say, “Can we discuss?” or “Please RT” or something similar. Just ask.
  • Use Hashtags. This is the norm on Twitter, not the exception. Hashtags group people together who are talking about the same topic. Use them.
  • Link! Don’t forget your link. People are looking for your valuable content. Tell them where to go get it!
  • Always have a Call-to-Action. This is so important. Whatever it is you want people to do, tell them. Ask them. Suggest to them. Say, “click here” or “snag this” or “let’s chat.” You get the picture!

OK, so now you know WHAT to do, the DOING IT is up to you!

Happy Tweeting!


The Secret To Becoming An Excellent Blogger (In Just 30 Days)

How would you like to join the ranks of the blogging elite?

You can and here’s how! Today starts the Ultimate Blog Challenge for the month of October. It’s a simple task. Write a blog post every day during this month. Yes, every. single. day.

I know. For new bloggers, the task seems rather daunting. But what if I told you, the sheer accountability of the challenge will force you to focus and in the end become a noteworthy blogger?

Need more convincing?

What if I told you the creators of the challenge are personal friends of mine and will bring you blog tips and ideas, sprinkled with motivation and encouragement all along the way? Would that make it a little more enticing?

What if I told you that you would immediately be connected to a blogging community like no other? A community that will support your efforts all along the way?

My experience . . .

At this point in my blogging career and in the life of my coaching business, I don’t necessarily have to blog every single day to have my readers show up. However, I like to give them current up-to-date information that will help push their online businesses further and further up the ladder of success and I like to do it on a really consistent basis.

By inserting that magic called “accountability” into my blogging schedule, it’s amazing how I just “get it done!” There is something about letting the world know you intend to do something that actually makes you get it done. There’s that say-what-you’re-going-to-do-and-do-what-you’re-saying-you’ll-do thing going on.

Who else likes RESULTS?

The real reason I do the Ultimate Blog Challenge is simple. Results. You just can’t argue with hard core stats! My readership increases, my online visibility gets a well-needed boost, my network grows, and my business expands. Need I say more?

If you’ve never considered using this proven technique, I encourage you to join with me here and now.

This may sound a bit cliche, but you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Sign up here: Ultimate Blog Challenge

I’ll be looking for you!



p.s. And no excuses about not having enough time. There’s always time to grow your business!